Then we went to the Japaneese Tea Gardens and they were so fun. Here are some Picture of us there.
There was this little old lady trying to cross over these rocks so Jonny and his Dad and Erik helped her cross it.
We had so much fun goofing around with everyone.
From there we went to Fisherman's Warf and ate lunch and walked around for a while. Jonny bought a SF hat and I got a super cute purse.
We played at this old school arcade and that was sweet! I didn't get any pictures though. We went back to Jonny's grandparents house and visited with his family for a bit. Then we went to Ghirardelli Square and got amazing ice cream. Later that night we went to the Golden Gate bridge it was kinda dark but I like the pictures.
On Saturday we drove up to Newcastle up by Auburn and went to my family reunion and that was a lot of fun! It was really great seeing everyone. My cousin Daniel came home from his mission from Mexico and gave his homecoming talk, basically we all sat around and swam and played cards the whole time, thats usually what we do anyways. But we had a great time with everyone and even the drive home with Aubrey and the kids wasn't too bad, we went to the hospital but thats cuz we thought I was having an allergic reaction to something, turns out the doctors in Elko are retarded. But everythings fine and Jonny and I are doing great! Hope everyone else is doing great, Although I dont know how many people read it but I hope your doing great!