Sunday, August 22, 2010

I know it's been like 4 months

Our Internet has been fishy so I have tried to update our blog and it keeps disconnecting us so it's working now...

May- Jonny started his EMT training class he has loved it, its in American Fork and he went everyday. He also was able to do a ride along with the Spanish Fork Ambulance, he really enjoyed doing that. He also started doing a "Student Teaching Assistant" for an Anatomy class during the Summer. He was able to prepare cadavers for the students and he loved playing with the bodies.

June- We dont really remember what happened in June

July- I turned 23! And I got an AMAZING Bike for my birthday! I love it, I ride it to work and back everyday. We were able to go out to Reno to see Jonny's family, his grandparents aren't doing very well so we made a quick trip out there, we had a really fun time with his family. Jonny's brother cracks me up, it was the best time when we were all driving in the car having a good time.

August- Well Jonny finished his EMT Class and passed! He is also all done with his "STA" Anatomy class too.

Im looking forward to helping watching my nieces these next two weeks, my Sister Megan and her husband are going to the Ukraine for the Temple dedication.

Jonny's excited to start school up again this week.

Were excited for the Holidays coming up and Im happy to be blogging again.

Here are a couple of pictures haha we had the biggest sandwiches for dinner a few weeks ago and I wanted to take pictures

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jonny's 23 Birthday

So for Jonny's Birthday we did so much, his Birthday was back on March 18 but I haven't updated out blog in a while so I wanted to share what we did for his Birthday. I got him Jazz tickets, but they we like 8th row tickets! They were awesome!!!! And the Jazz won also which made it even better! Here are some pictures from it!

So I had gotten him the Jazz tickets which we just found on KSL and his family and my family all pitched in and got him a brand new iPod!

Needless to say he had a very good week!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This past Monday for Family Home Evening Jonny and I put together our 72 hour kits. It was really fun, he didn't have to work and he got out of school at 4 so I went and picked him up and we went and got our stuff for our 72 hour kits. Here are some pictures of the fun we hadYou defiantly cant forget the toilet paper!Heres Jonny's packAnd mineLet me tell you, we are defiantly ready to use our 72 hour kits!
But we really dont want to :)
We had so much fun putting it together and its great cuz were also ready to go camping and hiking!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A little late but thats ok

Valentine's Day was so nice and quiet this year. Obviously because Valentine's Day was on a Sunday Jonny and I celebrated it on the Saturday before, but so did everyone else in the state of Utah. Jonny worked on Saturday till about 4 and we were going to go to dinner and then go to the Temple, so we were at home at about 4:30 and we had just gotten in our Sunday clothes to go to dinner and the Temple and I looked at Jonny and said "I need to spend time with you and only you, can we just go to dinner and then come back home and be with each other, no homework, no family just us?" And so thats exactly what we did, we changed into regular clothes and decided to move our couch back and set up our tent we got from our wedding. We left for dinner, which everywhere was completely packed! We decided on Olive Garden which was a 75 minute wait but thats ok we sat and talked which we haven't done in a long time and it was a wonderful dinner. We went back home and set up the tent inside and had the doors of the tent facing the Tv and we just watched a movie, and gave each other our Valentine's Day presents, we wish we had more money to spend more money on each other but we dont so Jonny gave me a ring pop and said "I wanted to buy you a big diamond ring but that will have to wait" and put the ring pop on my finger, then he said "I wanted to take you on a nice vacation but that will have to wait" and he handed me beach car fresheners. And then he said "I wanted to buy you a new car but I got you this instead" and he handed me a hot wheels sports car toy. It was really cute. He did get me a gift certificate to get a massage at my favorite place ever Mainsping Day Spa so Im super excited about that! Then I gave him my present which I just picked up at Ross but we all know what it was and thats the end of this post. Hahaha It was a very nice Valentine's Day and I loved spending it with my Valentine.

ps we actually celebrated Chinese New Year on Valentine's Day at my mom's with the neighbors it was so fun! Jonny and I made the Wontons! Way to much Chinese food!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My resolution

Well It has been a month and almost a half and I am happy to say I haven't bitten my nails since December 31, 2009! I am very proud of myself and happy to show them off. So here are some pictures of my fingers, and yes they are my fingers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's not you, it's me...

Growing up my mom always told me I have a special gift, I have a great love for people, and I had never really known what she was talking about. I mean ya I guess I loved people but I could honestly get along with anyone... I mean the first time my friend told me that "so-and so" doesn't like you I went home and cried! I was like 16! It hurt so bad to know that "so-and-so" doesn't like me, and it wasn't in a "crush" sort of way it was he honestly didn't like me as a friend or a person.
I don't know when this gift to love people I had went away, but I really miss it. I think it happened when I moved to Utah, I think it's because I have had 2 life's. I don't know very many people that have lived two life's but I have.
You see I used to have this life with this wonderful family in this beautiful home where I had a mom and a dad and lots of sister. Every Sunday we went to church altogether and had an amazing dinner and every Saturday we would clean the house. We got up super early every morning to have scripture study and we would end every night with a family prayer. I loved this life, I loved people, I loved everything.
Then I moved to Utah and I had a mom and siblings, and lots of family here. And every Sunday we went to church together and had a amazing dinner, and every Saturday we would clean the house. And we read scriptures at night and we would end every night with a prayer, but it was different... I don't know why and I don't know how but I changed.
Obviously there is a BIG difference between these two life's I have lived, and I'm not looking for sympathy or anything so don't think that, but I believe my gift went away when my dad was killed in an accident. And I say killed because that's what happened, he didn't die, he didn't pass away he was hit on his Bike and killed. I do miss him a lot, no one will ever understand. And I want him back, but something left from me with him.
I have lost this special gift and I want it back... I do love people but sometimes they just drive me crazy!!! And I'm not saying this because someone is driving me crazy at this moment I am saying this because I need to get over this attitude and get my gift back.
So when I snap at you for some stupid reason I just want you to know that it's not you, it's me. I am working on it and I guess you'll just have to be a little patient with me. And I'm sure all of you who are reading this obviously we are pretty close and I have probably snapped at you before and I just want to say
I'm sorry.
I'll be better.
I promise.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Well it's that time of year again where we all make a bunch of promises that we try to keep but only succeed in some of them. I however have only one New Year's Resolution and it's been going pretty good. This is what it is...

I have tried over and over and over again to stop biting my nails. This time I'm gonna do it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Flasher (I dont mean the camera kind)

Last weekend Jonny went and visited his family in Sparks. But this post isn't about his trip he can do that and tell you all about it (he probably wont I dont think he's even looked at this blog since he wrote our proposal story like over a year ago). No this post is about our experience taking him to the Train Station to go to Sparks... enjoy.

It was a cold Thursday evening, New Year's eve to be exact, we drove to the Train Station in Provo. I was kinda sad, not very excited for him to go because this was the first time he has ever left me at home. As we pull up to this tiny parking lot at this tiny station, were a bit early I was nervous that he was going to miss the Train. We parked and just talked and Provo Town Center stated lighting fireworks, it was so nice to be in our warm car looking out the front window watching Fireworks.

So we were waiting for the train which was only like 10 minutes away, and this car pulls up next to us on my side (I was in the driver's seat) and Im asking Jonny if he looks creepy, and how old he looks and Jonny was just laughing at me and said I can look at him cuz his head is turned, so I turn my head to look at him and he turns his head toward me at the same time. I didn't want him to think I just wanted to stare at him so I smiled and turned my head back toward Jonny.

Well now the train should be there any minute. So I looked out the window to the left cuz thats the direction that the train should be coming and it is also the direction of this man in the car next to me, well he gets out of his car and is facing me, he opens his jacket and Im thinking, this man doesn't have a shirt on, so I was just about to tell Jonny that this guy next to us is nuts cuz he doesn't have a shirt on but before I tell Jonny that I look down and this guy doesn't have ANYTHING on!!!! He was completely naked! I turned to Jonny and said very calmly "That guy just showed me his penis." Jonny at first didn't believe me until he looked over and the guy was driving away in his car. Jonny tried to get the guys licence plate numbers but we couldn't.... and come to find out the train was an hour late!

But I was honestly a little freaked out by the whole thing, not cuz I saw a man's penis cuz honestly it was dark and I didn't see really anything, but I was a little freaked out cuz it could have been something so much worse. We were in a crappy part of town and NO-ONE was around. Im really grateful that it wasn't any worse. I didn't sleep very good that night but I think that was mainly cuz Jonny wasn't there next to me.

I wish I could go back and redo the whole thing cuz you know what I would have done differently? When the stupid pervert got out of his car to flash me I would have pointed and laughed as loud as I could and said "thats the smallest thing I've ever seen!!!"