Monday, October 27, 2008

Its been a while!

Well I know it's been a while but thats ok, I know everyone understands how busy everyone is. Jonny and I are doing great! On Friday we celebrated our 3 week anniversary, unfortunately it wasn't together but I'll get more to that in a minute.
Lets see well I haven't said anything about the actual wedding so let me go on about that for a minute. The weather was perfect on October 3rd. Right when we were walking back to the Temple after pictures it started just drizzling a little bit. We went out to lunch just the two of us and it was great. Then we had the reception at my mom's house and it was BEAUTIFUL!!! When I learn how to post pictures I will do that. We left for Park City that night and spent three days there and it was so nice! It was so pretty with the mountains changing colors and it rained most of the time but it was still gorgeous! We came back home and started setting up our apartment which is in Spanish Fork (again I'll post pics soon) and then the following weekend went to Reno for our reception out there. It was so nice to see everyone again and that reception was beautiful too!
Now were back home and getting more into the swing of things. I LOVE being married and I wouldn't of changed a thing about the wedding! I wanted to thank everyone for ALL that they did and the traveling that some had to go through. I love you all and wouldn't of changed anything, except my shoes! :) haha oh well!

1 comment:

One Big Happy Family said...

It was wonderful being with you and your family. Keep having fun!!! XOXOXXO