Jonny and I have had such a CrAzY week! Well mainly weekend, on Friday it was my wards relief society Fall Fling, and I had such a great time, we made these Believe signs I love them! Here is a picture of what it looks like

It was a late night, we were able to be there from 6-12am it was at a lady in my wards beautiful home, I also made a cross-stitched stocking with our last name on it, that was really cute too but I dont have a picture of it. Also on Friday night my little Sister Malerie got engaged. She's engaged to a guy she met at BYU his name is Stephen Greco and he's from North Carolina, we are so excited for them, he's such a great guy!
On Saturday Jonny had to work from 7:30 to about 4 so that kinda sucked, but my sister Aubrey and Josh went to the BYU Football game so my brother Noah and I watched her kids Savannah and Jameson, we took them to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point.
After that we went and picked up Jonny and we went to In n Out which just opened up here in Orem, the line was of course out the door and Jameson wasn't very happy because he was so cold but wouldn't stand under the heaters cuz that was too hot. He is so funny, after that my mom came and got Noah and Aubrey came and got her kids and it was a date night for Jonny and I. We went and saw the movie The Blind Side and oh man it was soooooo good! I laughed! I cried! It was like 2 hours long too. It was really good, I HIGHLY recommend it!
Yesterday was Sunday and I really really like the ward were in, Jonny is a Financial Clerk in the ward and I just got a calling yesterday, I am a Sunday School teacher for the 15-16 year old, Im really excited, hopefully everything will go well for the next month or so and then I'll be getting a new class, cuz of the new year.
Speaking of that! I cant believe it's already Thanksgiving this week! Man time sure has flown by this year, this economy has been hard on everyone and I hope this new year is a lot better.
Well thats whats going on with us, I hope everyone has a Happy and a safe Thanksgiving!
1 comment:
Great minds think alike...more like great families VACATION alike! Too funny, our big groups just missed each other in Disneyland!
And LOVE the BELIEVE sign...seriously, that was produced from a relief society activity? I need to visit your ward! (Not that I'm dissing mine, but really, those actually look NON-homemade, and like they cost waaaay more than the average $3 per person RS budget!)
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