Happy Late Valentine's day! Anywho, here is what we did for Valentine's Day, so on Friday at work (I work selling police earpieces for those of you who dont know) an officer came in and I was talking to him about different earpieces and then an old man walked in with some flowers and we just hired a lady upstairs and I really thought it was her husband, so I said to him "you can just go upstairs" and he looks at me funny and says "I'm looking for Whitney" and I like jumped outta my seat and was like "Oh, thats ME!!!" It was funny! But here is a picture of my flowers. They're on our table at home now.

I also got some chocolates 

AND I made muffins (This picture is for Megan proving that I made Muffins) and they taste wonderful!

So ya, that was in the Morning and Jonny volunteers for Education First on Saturday's and so he was doing that for a couple of hours, he taught some Spanish people about how to become more involved with there kids in school, it was his first time and he was thrown into the class with a book and said go ahead start teaching. I though that was pretty funny. And he loved it! While he was doing that I cleaned and I mean scrubbed the whole house, swept, moped, dusted, vacuumed, scrubbed the bathroom and cleaned the bedroom. Well it's a very small house so it really only took me like and hour, hahaha but I still did it. :) We also got this tile and I took a picture of it because I love it...

Of course I had to take a picture of it, 1. cuz I thought it was so funny and 2. because it's true! So now it is the wallpaper on my cell phone. Later that night we were wanting to go out to dinner but everywhere was CrAzY so we went with Malerie and her boyfriend to Tsing Tao in Payson and it was a 15 minute wait but that is ok, It was yummy and we had a good time. After that we went home, and the night wasn't even over yet! But I'll end it there :)

Anywho, we are doing great and we had a great Valentine's Day and I hope everyone else did too!

Jonny- you are quit the dedicated man...teaching spanish... and then STUDYING for FOUR HOURS on a Saturday!!!??? Way to go! Kudos on the flowers!
Whitney- You should of just let Jonny believe that you arranged that gas station sign j/k, how ironic! What a good wife you are!
P.S. I want to try your muffins!!!
Sounds like you had a good day!!! You are so funny, I can picture you jumping out of your seat!!!
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