Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'll get back on it

So everyone wants me to put a new blog up but we have just been so busy. So here is a catch up as to what is going on. Jonny started school at the beginning of January and he is ALWAYS studying, Im happy he started school but it really sucks, but ugh 10 years he'll be done. hahaha he's wanting to go to med school which is good. He is going to school full-time and working part-time at EHS with me. EHS has been doing really good. We are staying very busy even with the economy the way it is. Were just living paycheck to paycheck, trying to get school payed off. But we are very happy and still love being married. Speaking of that yesterday was our 4 months its been great. I LOVE being married. We are trying to come up with something cheap and easy to do for V-day so if you have any ideas let me hear em. My family is doing pretty good, my step dad lost his job thanks to the economy and everyone "cutting back" but he's confident that he will be able to find one. We have callings in our ward, I am a primary teacher for the 8-9 year olds, and Jonny is a Sunday School teacher for like 13-14 I think? IDK but we come home very exhausted, I have 10 kinds and he has close to 10 also. We love our apartment and we have fun trying new meals. So far they've all been pretty good. I think Im a pretty descent cook. I guess I kinda take after my mom in that way. Anywho, things are going great. Wicked is coming to Salt Lake and we are so excited to see it with Jonny's family! We talk about it all the time! Jonny and I haven't ever seen it and we are ex static! My cousin Daniel is coming home from his mission in June and we are very excited to go to California for a Loveland Reunion. My family is going and we are very excited! Thats what we are looking forward to this next season. Well thats all for now folks, I'll blog ya later!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I can't wait until Wicked!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Whitney you totally had a Bella moment! hahaha!
when you said "I guess i kinda take afetr my mom in that way." dude! how strange i would even notice that! haha ;)
Cant wait till Wicked! veryy excited ! :)