Monday, July 13, 2009

Moving right along

So as of July 6th, which is a Monday, Jonny has been taking a Phlebotomy class which is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6-9. The only downer is it's in Salt Lake which is an hour AWAY!!!! So really he's gone from 4:30 till 10:00 every other night!
We also share 1 vehicle so it's kinda hard for me to go anywhere or do anything when I have no means of transportation. So my mom who owns FOUR cars! yes 4 cars and Malerie drives one of them and she can only drive one of them at a time is generously letting me barrow...
a bike.
So I have been riding a bike to and from work everyday since Wednesday which it's not a long time but you can be the one to tell that to my butt! Jonny is LOVING his Phlebotomy class! He's praying he can get a job here at the end of the month in a hospital or something of that sort, but that kinda makes me sad because right now we work together and I LOVE it! But I know that this will be good for him and he is super excited about it. He does get to bring volunteer's to class and he'll be drawing there blood I told him I will come in and I'm not very excited because I have very hard veins to find and last time I got my blood taken it took the lady like 5 times to find my vein. So if anyone would like to volunteer let us know.
We already have me, Noah and Hannah
but those two will probably weeny out.


One Big Happy Family said...

If I lived by you I'd do it!!!!!

Alex said...

Oh Jonny,If I lived by you I'd do it too! Good luck!