Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How we Met...

1. Where did you meet? Well we were in the same 3rd Grade class but we dont remember it, we really met our sophomore/junior year in High School
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? He's cute
3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing? Nope
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? He first kissed me at his parents house, we ditched an assembly and then his dad walked in. hahaha
5. Where did you go for your first date? Roller Skating and to the Hilton and then we got in a car crash.
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple? IDK longer then most people I would guess.
7. How did he/she ask you out? haha with a poster and I loved it! It made me cry!
8. How did he propose to you? Thats a long story just look at earlier posts.
9. Do you and this person have kids together? Nope
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person? I dont think so but we have rode in the back of cop cars before
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person? A long time ago. It was in Seminary, my mom was the teacher and I sat right behind him.
12. Do you trust this person? Absolutely
13. Do you see her/him as your partner in your future? Forever
14. What is the best gift she/he gave you? My Ring, I love it!
15. What is one thing He/She does that gets on your nerves? When he slams the seat belts in the door. I hate the sound.
16. Where do you see each other 15 years from now? Trying to pay off med school maybe some kids, and happy cuz Im with him
17. What causes the most arguments? little things that aren't even important.
18. How long have you been together? We have been married for 2 1/2 months
19. Are you Married? Yes

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