Happy Easter everyone! Hope everyone's was happy and safe. We kinda celebrated it both Saturday and Sunday. Friday we spent the night at my Mom's and so did my cousin Bethany, Aubrey and her kids and Stephen (Malerie's guy) and we had to "set up" the Easter Bunny coming, and when I say set up I really mean SET UP! It's actually a little crazy but a ton of fun! We start by taking a ball of string (different colors) thats oh 350-400 yards! And we put it all around the house and my Mom's house is pretty big and I mean everywhere like the front yard, the garage, backyard, bedrooms, bathrooms.... everywhere! And you are supposed to follow the string until you reach your basket. We'll we actually had to just set it up on Friday night we went to bed at like 12:30 and we were exhausted! And then we woke up at like 7:30 on Saturday and followed our strings all around the house. If was really fun for everyone! Here are some pictures of it.

Jameson and Savannah kept getting stuck in it, it was pretty funny!

I made Jonny get it outside it was way to cold!

We finally found our baskets and got to look at them Jonny got a bunch of outside stuff. Jonny got me a gift certificate to a Day Spa and I am SSSOOOOOOO Excited to use it!!!!

Hahahaha Hannah got a Ribbon Dancer but I think Malerie and I had way more fun with it!

Saturday Jonny and I took Jameson to the Bean Museum at BYU and it was a lot of fun.

The Sunday we had a big dinner and a Easter Egg Hunt. Here are some pictures of the Egg Hunt. Jonny and I didn't find any because we were the ones hiding them. But dont worry we got plenty of candy and money.

Well we had a great Easter and hope everyone else did too! Have a great early Spring!
i hurt lots of children in that egg hunt. scha-zam
AAAHHH it looks like you guys had a fun Easter! Guess what...?...Two more weeks until Wicked!!!
Haha..... I had to laugh cuz Jonny is wearing the "jammie bottoms" that I had to get all the boys/men (and yes the girls had matching jammies too!) for Christmas. Jonny swore that he NEVER wears jammies.... okay, so now my dear sweet son....I think you just might have to "eat crow" or maybe even "eat jammies". When will you finally figure out that moms are ALWAYS RIGHT.... and now WIVES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT TOO.... Love ya both and miss ya tons!
Hahaha I know he always does things like that. He says one thing and does the oposite. Like he'll say I hate that and then he wants it, like especially with food. He's so funny!
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