This past weekend Jonny and I went to Elko to watch Jonny's little brother Erik play baseball, Jonny's family came and we all had a great time together. It started at the baseball fields and we watched one game and Reed won but Erik didn't play at all on the first game so that kinda sucked knowing that we had just drove like 4 hours and he wasn't playing. And it was super windy and very cold too. Anywho so we went and hung out and then came back for his second game, now as most of you know, I grew up with sisters and sports were never on. Even when we would play church ball I never full understood what was happening :), oh well, so we went to Erik's second game and he got to play! He was so good! He hit like all these awesome hits! It was great! They killed Elko that game.
After the game we went to Wingers! I love Wingers! We all went and we kinda were there to celebrate Jonny's Birthday too, Wingers sang to him and he got to wear this amazing chicken hat!

It was sooo Funny! He was a very good sport!
Here is a Picture of Erik and Alex, always so much fun! And Marissa too (she wasn't feeling very good at this point, but neither was I, we were about to all drive back home) We had a blast with everyone, and on the drive back home We (especially Jonny) were already missing them! Hope they had a good time too.

Awwwww! It was an amazing trip! Marissa and I had bad colds but nothing was going to stop us from getting there!
I think we all must have laughed a good 75% of the time we were together. Talking of family secrets and stupid things we have all done growing up.... hummm... I think I remember at one point Jonny getting up and moving over to sit with his dad because we were talking about "girly" stuff.
There is nothing like your warm hugs..... I would travel any distance just get one!
Love ya both!!
Cindy (mom)
I had a splended time in Elko, it was also a great learning experience:
1. Make sure you make a FULL and COMPLETE stop or Elko police will pull you over!...At least it was just a warning...
2. Make sure you bring something to do while attending a baseball game and sitting there for three hours! Erik is a phenominal player though!
Love and miss you both,
Whit.. OMG How are you my love!!!! We need to catch up!
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