But Aubrey got everyone who came a shirt and on the side of it theres a jet and it says "Fighting for a cure" its way cool. There is also a walk a thon coming up next weekend in Provo if anyone wants to come let me know. It'll be fun!
Hahahaha oh man I almost forgot My mom and Step Dad and Noah and Step Brother Talon were all on a team too and my mom hit a golf ball and the ball hit Noah right is the stomach! It knocked the wind out of him and it was soooooo funny!
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Hello. My name is Jerry Moyer and I'm releasing a DVD, FIGHT-The Movie, to help raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I coach you young boy, Nat Gallen, who is FIGHTing CF and I'm determined to help his FIGHT.
You can get more information on the movie by visiting...
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