Friday, September 11, 2009

Have you Forgotten

I am so emotional today I can hardly stand it. Ever since I woke up I cannot stop thinking about 9-11-01 I remember that day like it was yesterday, I was getting ready for school, I was a Freshman and my Aunt Tamra called us and I answered "Turn on the TV!" And I asked what channel and she said it doesn't matter, just as I turned it on and was taking it in the second airplane crashed into the Twin Towers, I'll never forget that and I wont forget the feelings I'm feeling right now as I remember that Day.

Today is also the 5 year anniversary of burying my Dad, I miss him so much.

I'm sorry if this post is making you feel bad, I have to put my emotions somewhere. I cant help but think of my Savior today, I know he lives and loves me, I'm so thankful for the Sacrifice he went through, I love him with all my heart!


Unknown said...

I loved this post. I wish that there was more done to remember what happened that day. I am so sorry you miss your dad. You are an amazing person, I don't think I could handle things you have been through with the strength that you do. I hope you have a great day!!

Alex said...

Your amazing and I truly mean that. I wish people would take more time out to remember what happened on 9-11. Your dad was an amazing man and I have no doubt that he is doing miraculous work RIGHT NOW! I love you and I'm so grateful to not only have you as a family member but one of my best friends!
