1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial
3. When do you put up the tree? This year it was early I could wait any longer
4. When do you take the tree down? IDK when I get a minute to do it
5. Do you like eggnog? ewww no
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My Beauty and the Beast Watch, I still have it too.
7. Hardest person to buy for? My Mom, she's the worst!
8. Easiest person to buy for? Jonny
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I should mail some, but I didn't this year
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? socks there so boring
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Scrooged hahaha I wanna go watch it right now
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Whenever I feel like it
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I dont think so
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas Dinner
16. Lights on the tree? well ya, and there white
17. Favorite Christmas song? Grown up Christmas list
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? this year going to Reno
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Dasher. Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen and Rudolph...
20. Angel on the tree-top or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Pj's on Christmas eve everything else on Christmas Morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? going to the store and all these kids whining!
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? umm idk
24. Favorite food for Christmas dinner? At my moms we always have Italian food, its amazing!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? My car fixed
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How we Met...
1. Where did you meet? Well we were in the same 3rd Grade class but we dont remember it, we really met our sophomore/junior year in High School
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? He's cute
3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing? Nope
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? He first kissed me at his parents house, we ditched an assembly and then his dad walked in. hahaha
5. Where did you go for your first date? Roller Skating and to the Hilton and then we got in a car crash.
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple? IDK longer then most people I would guess.
7. How did he/she ask you out? haha with a poster and I loved it! It made me cry!
8. How did he propose to you? Thats a long story just look at earlier posts.
9. Do you and this person have kids together? Nope
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person? I dont think so but we have rode in the back of cop cars before
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person? A long time ago. It was in Seminary, my mom was the teacher and I sat right behind him.
12. Do you trust this person? Absolutely
13. Do you see her/him as your partner in your future? Forever
14. What is the best gift she/he gave you? My Ring, I love it!
15. What is one thing He/She does that gets on your nerves? When he slams the seat belts in the door. I hate the sound.
16. Where do you see each other 15 years from now? Trying to pay off med school maybe some kids, and happy cuz Im with him
17. What causes the most arguments? little things that aren't even important.
18. How long have you been together? We have been married for 2 1/2 months
19. Are you Married? Yes
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? He's cute
3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing? Nope
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? He first kissed me at his parents house, we ditched an assembly and then his dad walked in. hahaha
5. Where did you go for your first date? Roller Skating and to the Hilton and then we got in a car crash.
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple? IDK longer then most people I would guess.
7. How did he/she ask you out? haha with a poster and I loved it! It made me cry!
8. How did he propose to you? Thats a long story just look at earlier posts.
9. Do you and this person have kids together? Nope
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person? I dont think so but we have rode in the back of cop cars before
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person? A long time ago. It was in Seminary, my mom was the teacher and I sat right behind him.
12. Do you trust this person? Absolutely
13. Do you see her/him as your partner in your future? Forever
14. What is the best gift she/he gave you? My Ring, I love it!
15. What is one thing He/She does that gets on your nerves? When he slams the seat belts in the door. I hate the sound.
16. Where do you see each other 15 years from now? Trying to pay off med school maybe some kids, and happy cuz Im with him
17. What causes the most arguments? little things that aren't even important.
18. How long have you been together? We have been married for 2 1/2 months
19. Are you Married? Yes
Friday, December 5, 2008
It's Christmas Time
I love seeing all the lights around Christmas Time, everything just looks happier. I think that Christmas lights are so beautiful! Last night we went on a double date with Jonny's friend Ephraim and his girlfriend. We went to Salem Pond and walked around it, It was beautiful! We haven't really taken to many pictures of us since we got married so it was nice to have some pictures of it. At first I wasn't really wanting to go cuz it was really cold but it was a lot of fun and I'm glad Jonny came up with the idea.

We're really excited for Christmas this year, for how long we've known each other we have never spent Christmas together and I am so excited to spend every Christmas with him for the rest of forever!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Because Thanksgiving is arriving I want to tell everyone the top 5 things
I am Thankful for...
1. My husband, even though we haven't been married for very long, I don't know what I would do without him. It feels like we've been married for a lot longer then almost 2 months, and I know that's nothing compared to most of you but I really am thankful for him and I love him more and more everyday and I didn't know that was possible. When I was meeting with my Bishop before I got married he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "you think you love him now, you just wait" I'll never forget that, and I am so thankful to be married to him forever! And it's only the beginning!
2. My parents. I wouldn't be who I am without them. Even Paul, he's such a great guy and an awesome example. I am thankful for the person my parents have made me to be, and I want to be better because of them.
3. My Sisters. I love it when we are all together, and we have all these corny old jokes, and we laugh so hard I have to run to the bathroom. I love old memories and random things that make us reminisce. I am thankful for who they are and there examples to me. I want to be just like them in so many ways. I love them so much and I'm so thankful to have such a great relationship with all of them.
4. New Family. I am so thankful to be a part of your family. I love being there and getting to know you all a little better. I have such a fun time when I am with you and I am thankful that you have taken me into your life's and have always made me feel welcome.
5. My Savior. It's the perfect time of year to think of him and I cant stop. Maybe writing this will help me get some feeling out. I am so thankful for him and for his love, his example, and his atoning sacrifice. Im thankful for the gospel, for Temples, for our Prophet. I love my Savior and try more and more to be like him everyday.
So there are the top 5 things I am most thankful for.
In no particular order.
I'm thankful for all of you and your friendship,
and I hope everyone has a
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Pictures from the Temple
So here are just a couple of the Pictures done from the Temple, they are all so beautiful but these are my most favorites.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Our Beautiful Home!
So I took some pictures of our house and here they are. It's pretty small but we love it!
This is our bedroom

This is our living room, we couldn't fit a couch through the door
but the love sac wasn't all that fun to shove in the car either.
Here is my favorite part of the house.
I love this kitchen, I love the white cupboards they're my favorite!
So here's our house! I hope you enjoyed seeing the pics of it! We have a bathroom but its too small to get a good enough picture so you might have to just come see it for yourself, but it is clean, I promise thats not the reason why I didn't take a picture of it.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Our One Month Anniversary
Well I cant believe it but it's already been a month since we got married! It has also been the best month of my life! So being the person that I am I woke up and just kinda a little bit forgot it was our anniversary and started getting ready for work, while I was getting ready Jonny pops his head through the door and says happy 1 month anniversary and gives me a kiss, and so of course I say it back. And for lunch we went and got a sandwich and split it and came back to work. So I was up stairs working and for those of you who dont know Jonny and I work together he's in the warehouse and Im upstairs in the office, it's awesome! Anywho, so I was up here working and in he walks with this beautiful arrangement of flowers! I love flowers! you can have anything you want if I get flowers! Oh there so beautiful! So I posted a picture and I just wanted everyone to know that I am married to the most amazing man in the whole world and I love him more and more everyday! He's everything to me and I dont know what I would do without him!

Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
This is our favorite holiday and of course when they said we can dress up for work we were going to. Only like half the people at work dressed up but oh well. So here is a picture of us in our Halloween costumes. Can you guess what we are?

Monday, October 27, 2008
Its been a while!
Well I know it's been a while but thats ok, I know everyone understands how busy everyone is. Jonny and I are doing great! On Friday we celebrated our 3 week anniversary, unfortunately it wasn't together but I'll get more to that in a minute.
Lets see well I haven't said anything about the actual wedding so let me go on about that for a minute. The weather was perfect on October 3rd. Right when we were walking back to the Temple after pictures it started just drizzling a little bit. We went out to lunch just the two of us and it was great. Then we had the reception at my mom's house and it was BEAUTIFUL!!! When I learn how to post pictures I will do that. We left for Park City that night and spent three days there and it was so nice! It was so pretty with the mountains changing colors and it rained most of the time but it was still gorgeous! We came back home and started setting up our apartment which is in Spanish Fork (again I'll post pics soon) and then the following weekend went to Reno for our reception out there. It was so nice to see everyone again and that reception was beautiful too!
Now were back home and getting more into the swing of things. I LOVE being married and I wouldn't of changed a thing about the wedding! I wanted to thank everyone for ALL that they did and the traveling that some had to go through. I love you all and wouldn't of changed anything, except my shoes! :) haha oh well!
Lets see well I haven't said anything about the actual wedding so let me go on about that for a minute. The weather was perfect on October 3rd. Right when we were walking back to the Temple after pictures it started just drizzling a little bit. We went out to lunch just the two of us and it was great. Then we had the reception at my mom's house and it was BEAUTIFUL!!! When I learn how to post pictures I will do that. We left for Park City that night and spent three days there and it was so nice! It was so pretty with the mountains changing colors and it rained most of the time but it was still gorgeous! We came back home and started setting up our apartment which is in Spanish Fork (again I'll post pics soon) and then the following weekend went to Reno for our reception out there. It was so nice to see everyone again and that reception was beautiful too!
Now were back home and getting more into the swing of things. I LOVE being married and I wouldn't of changed a thing about the wedding! I wanted to thank everyone for ALL that they did and the traveling that some had to go through. I love you all and wouldn't of changed anything, except my shoes! :) haha oh well!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Proposal
First and foremost it should be known that I, Jonny, was going crazy not being able to propose to Whitney sooner, (long-distance relationships are way harsh) but for the love of my life it was absolutely worth it!
On Friday August 29, 2008 Whitney was flying into Reno to spend labor day weekend with me, so I decided I needed to throw her off a little to make it as much of a surprise as possible. Whitney had to switch planes in Vegas, so when she called me I told her that I had gone out to eat with some co-workers and I was feeling sick from eating too much but it was nothing to worry about. I told her I'd be right there at security to see her off the plane.
Well, her flight was supposed to come in at 10:10pm, but of course it wouldn't even make it until nearly midnight! Nevertheless, instead of me being there I sent my sister, Alexandra, to go pick up her from the airport. Not only was Whitney disappointed at the fact that I wasn't there to meet her, but we can say that she was just as, if not more, discontent that Alexandra told her that I was at home puking my guts out due to a fake case of food poisoning. (I think it's also good for you to know that the airline had damaged both of Whitney's suitcases somewhere along the way to Reno as well, so you can imagine what a terrible night she was having).
So on the way home Alexandra had to pick up my brother, Erick, from Reed, the high school where Whitney and I met and really got to know each other. Erick was there with a single yellow rose and a poem attached to give to her. On the opposite side of the poem it read "Past." After reading the poem Alexandra then took Whitney to the Sparks Marina, a very special place to the both of us. It was there that I had one of my friends, Terry Zenz, with a single red rose and another poem attached to give to Whitney. On the opposite side of this poem it read "Present." After reading that poem Alexandra took Whitney up to the Reno, NV, Temple for the final part of my proposal to her. I stood at the front gate for what seemed like and eternity. With every car that passed by my heart would start pounding like a jackhammer! Finally that black Toyota Carola, carrying the happiness of my life, came rolling up the hill to the temple. Keep in mind that it's about 1am, so it's just us up there. I take Whitney from the car, and Alexandra takes off for home. It's just me and her now. We embrace each other with plenty of hugs and kisses and simply look into each others eyes. I then give my last rose to her, a single white rose representing my pure and eternal love for her. And of course this rose also has a poem on it that I read to her, and yes on the opposite side of the poem it says: "Future." I tell Whitney how much she means to me and how much I love her. I always imagined myself saying the perfect words right before asking her, but just looking into each others eyes said more in that moment than than a whole lifetime of words, poems or songs could ever describe. I pulled the ring out of my pock, got down on one knee (right at the front gate of the temple) and ask Whitney to marry me. Of course she says yes, in fact she specifically said, "Yes! Of course!" She pulls me up, and we share our first kiss as a newly engaged couple!
So I'm sure you can tell how much Whitney means to me. She is truly the one and only love of my life, and I truly feel more blessed to be with her than I have ever felt before! I don't know how, but everyday I fall more and more in love with her. I can only say that it's a good thing that we have an eternity to be together, because that's about how long it'll take for me to explain how crazy I am for her.
On Friday August 29, 2008 Whitney was flying into Reno to spend labor day weekend with me, so I decided I needed to throw her off a little to make it as much of a surprise as possible. Whitney had to switch planes in Vegas, so when she called me I told her that I had gone out to eat with some co-workers and I was feeling sick from eating too much but it was nothing to worry about. I told her I'd be right there at security to see her off the plane.
Well, her flight was supposed to come in at 10:10pm, but of course it wouldn't even make it until nearly midnight! Nevertheless, instead of me being there I sent my sister, Alexandra, to go pick up her from the airport. Not only was Whitney disappointed at the fact that I wasn't there to meet her, but we can say that she was just as, if not more, discontent that Alexandra told her that I was at home puking my guts out due to a fake case of food poisoning. (I think it's also good for you to know that the airline had damaged both of Whitney's suitcases somewhere along the way to Reno as well, so you can imagine what a terrible night she was having).
So on the way home Alexandra had to pick up my brother, Erick, from Reed, the high school where Whitney and I met and really got to know each other. Erick was there with a single yellow rose and a poem attached to give to her. On the opposite side of the poem it read "Past." After reading the poem Alexandra then took Whitney to the Sparks Marina, a very special place to the both of us. It was there that I had one of my friends, Terry Zenz, with a single red rose and another poem attached to give to Whitney. On the opposite side of this poem it read "Present." After reading that poem Alexandra took Whitney up to the Reno, NV, Temple for the final part of my proposal to her. I stood at the front gate for what seemed like and eternity. With every car that passed by my heart would start pounding like a jackhammer! Finally that black Toyota Carola, carrying the happiness of my life, came rolling up the hill to the temple. Keep in mind that it's about 1am, so it's just us up there. I take Whitney from the car, and Alexandra takes off for home. It's just me and her now. We embrace each other with plenty of hugs and kisses and simply look into each others eyes. I then give my last rose to her, a single white rose representing my pure and eternal love for her. And of course this rose also has a poem on it that I read to her, and yes on the opposite side of the poem it says: "Future." I tell Whitney how much she means to me and how much I love her. I always imagined myself saying the perfect words right before asking her, but just looking into each others eyes said more in that moment than than a whole lifetime of words, poems or songs could ever describe. I pulled the ring out of my pock, got down on one knee (right at the front gate of the temple) and ask Whitney to marry me. Of course she says yes, in fact she specifically said, "Yes! Of course!" She pulls me up, and we share our first kiss as a newly engaged couple!
So I'm sure you can tell how much Whitney means to me. She is truly the one and only love of my life, and I truly feel more blessed to be with her than I have ever felt before! I don't know how, but everyday I fall more and more in love with her. I can only say that it's a good thing that we have an eternity to be together, because that's about how long it'll take for me to explain how crazy I am for her.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Just the beginning
So we decided to start up a blog about our lives together from the very beginning. So this first post is just going to be a little background on the two of us and then it will take off from there. I met Jonny when we were 16 and we were Juniors in High School. It was my favorite year of High School, everything was perfect! We went to football games, church activities, performances everything you can think of down to Prom. It was wonderful! Then our Senior year came and as many as you know my Dad was killed in an accident. We broke up a couple weeks after that and didn't really hang out. After a couple of months we slowly became friends again and that led to a relationship, ever since then we've been together. Even though I moved to Utah with my family after I graduated we still have been extremely close to each other. Jonny left on his Mission July 5, 2006 to the Dominican Republic West mission where He was there for 2 years. We wrote back and forth and I'm not going to lie, it was very hard but totally worth it! He had a great mission and made tons of friends that will be there for him for the rest of his life. He returned home July 10, 2008 and it was a great experience. His family let me come out to Reno when He came home and when He stepped off the plane my heart literally stood still, it was the best feeling. I'll never forget that moment when He came up to me and gave me our first hug in 2 years! It was so comforting. Our relationship since then has just gotten better and better. He's amazing and He's my best friend.
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